Crossed roller bearings CRBD02012A CRBE09025B CRBD11528B

LYU company is a bearing manufacturer in China,founded in 1998.
We supply all kinds of bearings with factory price.
Welcome to contact us if you have any needs.,

Bearing model list

CRBD02012A 28 6-M3through 57 6-ø3.4 through ø6.5 counter bore depth 3.3
CRBD03515A 45 8-M4through 83 8-ø4.5 through ø8 counter bore depth 4.4
CRBD05515A 65 8-M5through 105 8-ø5.5 through ø9.5 counter bore depth 5.4
CRBD08022A 97 10-M5through 148 10-ø5.5 through ø9.5 counter bore depth 5.4
CRBD08022B 97 10-ø5.5through ø9.5counter bore depth 5.4 148 10-ø5.5 through ø9.5 counter bore depth 5.4
CRBD08022C 97 10-ø5.5through ø9.5counter bore depth 5.4 148 10-ø5.5 through ø9.5 counter bore depth 5.4
CRBD09025A 112 12-M8through 187 12-ø9 through ø14 counter bore depth 8.6
CRBD09025B 112 12-ø9through ø14counter bore depth 8.6 187 12-ø9 through ø14 counter bore depth 8.6
CRBD09025C 112 12-ø9through ø14counter bore depth 8.6 187 12-ø9 through ø14 counter bore depth 8.6
CRBD11528A 139 12-M8through 217 12-ø9 through ø14 counter bore depth 8.6
CRBD11528B 139 12-ø9through ø14counter bore depth 8.6 217 12-ø9 through ø14 counter bore depth 8.6
CRBD11528C 139 12-ø9through ø14counter bore depth 8.6 217 12-ø9 through ø14 counter bore depth 8.6
CRBD16035A 184 12-M10through 270 12-ø11 through ø17.5 counter bore depth 10.8
CRBD16035B 184 12-ø11through ø17.5 counter bore depth 10.8 270 12-ø11 through ø17.5 counter bore depth 10.8
CRBD16035C 184 12-ø11through ø17.5 counter bore depth 10.8 270 12-ø11 through ø17.5 counter bore depth 10.8
CRBE02012A 28 6-M3 through 57 6-03.4 through 06.5 counter bore depth 3.3
CRBE03515A 45 8-M4 through 83 8-04.5 through 08 counter bore depth 4.4
CRBE05515A 65 8-M5 through 105 8-05.5 through 09.5 counter bore depth 5.4
CRBE08022A 65 10-M5 through 105 10-05.5 through 09.5 counter bore
CRBE08022B 97 10-05.5 through 09.5 148 10-05.5 through 09.5 counter bore
CRBE08022C 97 counter bore depth 5.4 148 depth 5.4
CRBE09025A 97 12-M8 through 148 12-09 through
CRBE09025B 112 12-09 through 014 187 014 counter bore
CRBE09025C 112 counter bore depth 8.6 187 depth 8.6
CRBE11528A 112 12-M8 through 187 12-09 through 014 counter bore
CRBE11528B 139 12-09 through 014 217 12-09 through 014 counter bore
CRBE11528C 139 counter bore depth 8.6 217 depth 8.6
CRBE16035A 139 12-M10 through 217 12-011 through
CRBE16035B 184 12-011 through 017.5 270 017.5 counter bore
CRBE16035C 184 counter bore depth 10.8 270 depth 10.8
CRBE21040A 184 16-M12 through 270 16-014 through 020 counter bore
CRBE21040B 240 16-014 through 020 350 16-014 through 020 counter bore
CRBE21040C 240 counter bore depth 13 350 depth 13

LYU company is a bearing manufacturer in China,founded in 1998.
We supply all kinds of bearings with factory price.
Welcome to contact us if you have any needs.,